
Insurance Job Market Observations in February

Insurance Job Market Observations in February

The weather should be warming up soon, but the job market is already red hot in February. We currently have over 675 openings available and nearly 50 jobs have been posted in the last week alone.

Claims has seen increasing opportunities lately with openings along the East Coast and through the Midwest. Customer Service also has over a dozen jobs to fill everywhere from Florida to California.

Sales/Marketing is filled with postings this month from top companies throughout the South, Midwest and California. The experience needed ranges from the director and manger level to even entry-level positions. If you’re looking for an opportunity in this field, now is the perfect time to apply as budgets are approved and hiring managers are looking for their next wave of talent.

Underwriting remains a nationwide commodity with positions to fill from Virginia and New York, to Illinois and Iowa and all the way out to California. If you’re an executive looking for new opportunities, there is even a VP position that is in need of qualified candidates.

And you may want to apply for a position before technology takes them all. It’s not quite that drastic yet, but automation is quickly changing the face of the insurance industry. This trend means big things for hiring companies and candidates alike, so be sure to read our latest blog post to see how you can be better prepared for the technological uprising.

All the Best,
Mike McDonough & the GSR Team

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